Personal Loans La Crosse
Not everyone has the privilege of being financially secure. When you find your funds running low, it’s best to check which options can fulfill your financial needs. Some people who need money opt to get personal loans in La Crosse . Are you facing a similar predicament? Perhaps it is in your best interest to get personal loans in La Crosse.
Reasons to Take Out Personal Loans in La Crosse
Although there are alternatives to personal loans, such as credit cards and salary advances, it is simpler and better if you choose the former. Personal loans in La Crosse have benefits that you cannot obtain with other modes of payment. The following are some of the advantages of taking out personal loans in La Crosse.
- Personal loans in La Crosse can help you pay off existing debts.
Most people who get personal loans in La Crosse use those to consolidate existing debts. Some of the debts that require refinancing, such as student loans or credit cards, tend to have a higher interest rate compared to personal loans in La Crosse. Having all these debts can keep you from having peace of mind.
By consolidating all your debts into a single loan, you can have an easier time paying it off at a lower interest rate. Personal loans in La Crosse are much easier to manage compared to the several credit lines that they can take over. With personal loans in La Crosse, you can pay off multitudes of cards straight away.
If you do plan on choosing a firm and taking out personal loans in La Crosse, you have something to keep in mind. Make sure that the interest rate is lower than the average rate of your consolidated debt. In that way, you can be sure that you are getting the best deal.
- You can pay off emergency expenses with personal loans in La Crosse.
Not having enough funds for unexpected expenses can be troublesome. Maybe you suddenly need to pay medical bills or get asked to join a trip across the country. With personal loans, La Crosse citizens won’t have to worry about where they’ll be getting the money they need for emergencies.
Personal loans in La Crosse can be utilized to pay off anything, including unforeseen expenditures. Some lenders of personal loans in La Crosse approve applications fast. As a result, you can pay off any expenses before the interest rate increases or the due date for payment passes.
Paying off bills and repairs is possible when you have emergency funds courtesy of personal loans in La Crosse. If you want to obtain personal loans in La Crosse, make sure to find a firm that is known in the business for being reputable.
- Personal loans in La Crosse have a predictable repayment schedule.
When it comes to personal loans, La Crosse residents have an easier time paying off their debt. Why is this the case? Unlike its alternatives, personal loans in La Crosse have a much more predictable repayment schedule. The interest rates and monthly payments are fixed, and the repayment terms are clear.
In comparison to personal loans in La Crosse, credit lines are inconsistent. The payment due dates are what remain fixed with credit lines. Compared to personal loans in La Crosse, credit lines’ interest rates are subject to change depending on benchmark rates. Credit utilization is also the basis of how much you will pay monthly.
One of the trusted firms that offer personal loans to La Crosse residents is Governmental Employees Credit Union. With our help, you can ensure your financial security.
Your Trusted Provider of Personal Loans in La Crosse
G.E.C.U. has been in the service of our community since 1931. By lending personal loans in La Crosse, we help our members meet their financial needs. Our organization is committed to making you feel like you matter. Are you interested in taking out personal loans in La Crosse? Contact our team today!
Making Everyone Count Since 1931
Credit unions are known as a great alternative to banks. These institutions offer accounts with lower fees and loan rates. They’re also owned by their customers, that’s why they offer better deals. If you want the idea of a customer-owned financial institution, joining a credit union might be the right choice for you.
Many credit unions offer a lot of benefits. However, not all of them are able to provide their customers with a great experience. If you want to make sure that you get great deals and satisfying customer service, join Governmental Employees Credit Union (G.E.C.U.). We offer great financial services while making sure that our customers feel valued.
Open an Account With Us
Like any other bank, we also give our clients the privilege to open a bank account for their funds. Whether it’s a checking or savings account, G.E.C.U. makes sure to provide you the one that’s perfectly tailored to your lifestyle and needs.
- Checking Accounts
At G.E.C.U., we don’t just provide great checking accounts. We also give you a lot of rewards with Kasasa Cash! You can choose between three options.
The first option we have is the free Kasasa Cash Checking account with a high-interest reward. The second is a free Kasasa Cash Back Checking account with 2.25% cashback on purchases using your debit card. The third is the Free Kasasa Tunes Checking account, which gives you digital credits for apps and music purchases. Whichever you choose can be opened in minutes, too. Hassle-free, right?
- Savings Accounts
Here, we offer you a lot of savings account options for you as well.
- Basic Savings Account
This marks your membership with us. You’re only required to deposit a minimum of $5 to open your account.
- Elite Money Market Account
When you choose this account, the higher your balance is, the higher the interest rate you’ll get. You won’t get any maintenance fee if your balance is amounting to or more than $2,500.
- Health Savings Account (HSA)
With this account, you can prepare for medical expenses you might have in the future. You can also enjoy triple tax saving where you’ll have tax-free withdrawals for any medical expenses and earnings.
- Certificates of Deposit (CDs)
Having trouble with saving money? This option is for you, then. Fixed-rate earnings for your term of choice.
- Christmas Club
This type of savings account is created especially for your holiday funds. It also helps keep you away from having debts during the holidays.
- Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
In this type of savings account, you’ll be able to secure your retirement and earn revenues at a higher rate.
Apply for a Visa Credit Card
At G.E.C.U., we help you expand your purchasing power by providing a globally-accepted credit card. We have competitive rates, low annual percentage rate (APR), and there are no annual fees! Apply with us now.
Pursue Your Dreams With Us
Everyone has the right to education. That’s why here in G.E.C.U., we offer a $500 scholarship to our members. The qualifications are simple; you just have to be a member and you must be already accepted or attending your school of choice.
Other than the two eligibility requirements, you should also submit three documents: your accomplished application form, a scholarship essay, and an autobiography that contains your school activities, awards, employment, and community service records. Apply now.
Secure Your Future With the Friendly Credit Union
Since 1931, we have been making every customer feel that they’re a part of the company; each of them is the partial owner of G.E.C.U. We assure you that we will continue making our customers feel that way.
Our friendly and accommodating staff will strive to personally know you by name. As La Crosse’s friendly credit union, we enjoy doing business with our clients in the friendliest way that we can. If you want to be a part of the family and experience our customer service, talk to us now .